Cheek staircases have been the most beautiful quick-change artists of stairs for hundreds of years. They are versatile, and their robust appearance give classic elegance.

Building a cheek staircase, you have to distinguish between an open or a cohesive version. You can look through the gap between every single stair with open cheek staircases. With cohesive stairs the gap between the single stairs is closed with a riser.

Cheek staircases can be straight or spiraled. Every single cheek staircase is a classic masterpiece of art and workmanship itself!

Please take a view at an example of a SELBERHERR-cheek staircase in our new quotation-service!

in one view

  • classic stair construction
  • wooden or steel design
  • rail easily attachable to the cheek
  • optically attractive, statically uncomplicated
  • with or without riser (open or cohesive)
  • different designs: cut-in, inserted, half-mortised, mortised